“Find Monday”

My game “Find Monday” is based on a book I read in LA/SS called, Monday’s Not Coming. Monday’s Not Coming is about a girl named Claudia and her best friend Monday who went missing. Instead of going into full detail about the book, I want to present my game and teach you about the code and what I learned.

What is the game about and how do you play?

In “Find Monday” you are an orange character, Claudia. You are looking for the white character, also known as Monday, who has been missing. If you find Monday and overlap your sprite, character, with hers you win. But, if you overlap a different colored sprite, also known as a sibling, you have 10 seconds to run to the base. The base will be a blue tile in the middle of the map. If you get to the base before the colored character overlaps you again, you can continue on to find Claudia. But, if you take too long, the sibling will decapitate you, and you will lose.

What did I learn while making this?

Great question! I learned many things from asking many questions to Mr. Dembo. I learned how to use a tile map for the background of the maze. It helped me to select what tiles/areas that a sprite cannot go on, and it helped me create the actual path of my maze. I also was confused on how to use the logic blocks. I didn’t understand the reasoning of creating a variable. I created three variable, all for the same reasoning but for different sprites. The variable I made was to show the logic of if a sibling was tagged.

As you can see in the image above, the logic was if Claudia overlapped a sibling. The sibling will pause for 10 seconds and follow Claudia. Underneath the “set sibling 2 follow mySprite with speed 75” you can see how the variable “sibling 2 tagged” is changed to true. Now that it is true, if the sibling overlaps Claudia again, it will, hence the destroy, destroy Claudia.

It was very confusing to me but after Mr. Dembo showing me it clicked.

These blocks of code dictate what happens when Claudia, “player”, overlaps the blue tile. I made it so the speed of the siblings turns to 0. At first, I set a different block.

I used the clear effects, but it did not do anything. 🙁

To look more into my full code, check below.

My awesome spectacular amazing bettererer game.

My game is called

Later on I would like to add different levels instead of the game restarting. I also would like to add a maze like Pac Man.

Creating this game I learned how to randomly place a sprite around the screen. In my game there were rainbows placed randomly around the screen. I also learned how to add numbers/points when two sprites touch. I learned how to do these from doing multiple tutorials.